Early zucchini fritters

Early zucchini fritters
Servings: 2

Young zucchini with an almost transparent, slightly greenish skin, so tender that, in general, they can be eaten without heat treatment. Here is a simple recipe: grate zucchini on a fine grater, add salt, olive oil, a little lemon juice and herbs - that's it, a simple summer appetizer is ready. But I still think it's better to add a few ingredients to this mixture and fry fritters.


young zucchini 1 pc
dill or parsley 4-5 sprigs
yolks 4 pcs
flour 2 tbsp.
refined butter 3 tbsp.
sour cream 2-3 tbsp.
salt and ground pepper to taste


Step 1

In a deep bowl, beat the egg yolks. Add the flour and mix again.

Step 2

Peel the zucchini and grate it on a fine grater.

Step 3

Then combine all the ingredients and mix until homogeneous.

Step 4

It is better to salt just before frying, otherwise the zucchini will let a lot of juice and the dough will turn out too liquid.

Step 5

Put the future fritters on a heated frying pan with oil using a dessert spoon.

Step 6

Slowly press them down with a spatula or the same spoon, giving them the desired shape.

Step 7

Fry on both sides over medium heat until browned.

Step 8

Serve the fritters hot with sour cream.

A spoonful of grated parmesan in the batter will make the zucchini fritters taste more interesting. But in my childhood there was no parmesan, and now my children do not perceive it. So, like it or not, I remain a conservative in this matter.

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