Egg muffins with vegetables

Servings: 2
Cooking time: 30 min

School lunch box — egg muffins with veggies.


eggs 4 pcs
cream (20%) 40 ml
broccoli florets 90 g
carrots 60 g
skinned tomatoes 80 g
grated hard cheese 60 g
green onion feathers 20 g
parsley 10 g
butter 20 g
cornstarch 1 tsp.
salt, black pepper to taste


Step 1

Cut carrots into small cubes, broccoli into small florets. Cook in salted water for 7-10 minutes.

Step 2

Mix cream with eggs and starch. Add chopped onion and parsley, diced tomato, grated cheese and boiled vegetables. Season with salt, pepper and mix.

Step 3

Grease muffin molds with butter, spread the mixture into them and bake for 12-14 minutes at 175 degrees.

Step 4

Fill lunch boxes with muffins, vegetables, fruit, berries and snacks. Enjoy.

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