Pozharsky cutlets that Pushkin loved.

Pozharsky cutlets that Pushkin loved.
Servings: 2
Cooking time: 30 min

Many famous people, including Pushkin, stayed at the Pozharsky family's popular inn in Torzhok, and their cutlets were even included in the tsar's menu. Legend has it that the poet liked the sign he saw from the window, "Eugene Onegin — baker and tailor", and named his hero and his novel in verse that way.

In a letter to his friend Sobolevsky Pushkin wrote about cutlets:

"At your leisure, dine

At Pozharsky's in Torzhok,

"Taste the fried cutlets


And go lightly."


chicken fillet 500 g
butter 2 tbsp.
cream 2 tbsp.
white bread 3 slices
milk 2/3 cup
ground breadcrumbs 1/2 tbsp.
egg 1 pc
frying oil


Step 1

Put skinless chicken flesh through a meat grinder, stir in melted butter, cream, pepper, salt and put through the meat grinder again.

Step 2

Add milk soaked and squeezed bread to the minced meat.

Step 3

Form oval flat pointed cutlets.

Step 4

Dip in beaten egg. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in boiling oil for 8-10 minutes until browned.

Step 5

Serve with vegetables.

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