Batata and mango soup

Batata and mango soup
Servings: 4
Cooking time: 40 min

Spicy Asian yam and mango puree soup with coconut milk and vegetable broth with lemon and yogurt


onions 2 pcs
garlic 1 clove
ginger (thumb-sized) 1 piece
yams 2 pcs
mango 1 pc
rapeseed oil 2 tbsp.
zira 1/2 tsp.
turmeric 1 tsp.
curry 1 tsp.
cane sugar 1 tbsp.
salt to taste
white pepper to taste
coconut milk 400 ml
vegetable broth 400 ml
lemon 1 pc
yogurt 4 tbsp.


Step 1

Peel the scallions, garlic, ginger and yams and then dice them. Peel the mango. Separate the flesh from the core and dice as well.

Step 2

Heat the rapeseed oil in a saucepan. Caramelize the zira, turmeric, curry powder and sugar along with the onion, garlic and ginger for 1 minute. Add the yams and mangoes, salt and pepper the resulting mixture. Saute the resulting mixture over medium heat for 8 minutes.

Step 3

Add the coconut milk and vegetable broth, then simmer over low heat for approx. Cook on a low heat for about 15 minutes until the yams have softened.

Step 4

Grate the zest of half a lemon and add it to the soup. Squeeze out the juice of the lemon and add to the soup.

Step 5

Stir the soup until puréed and taste again.

Step 6

Pour the yam and mango soup into plates, add a little yogurt and serve.

Mango cubes, thin strips of ginger and some fresh herbs will complement the puree soup perfectly. If the soup is too thick, simply add a little more coconut milk or vegetable broth.

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