Traditional Galician borscht based on the book by Olga Franko.
pork ribs 250 g |
borscht kvass 0.5 liters |
beet 1 kg |
beet juice 200 ml |
Step 1
Boil the rib broth, strain.
Step 2
Add finely chopped beets, add borscht kvass, salt and cook over low heat until the beets become pulpy.
Step 3
Add freshly squeezed beet juice to the ready borscht for color.
Borscht kvass, according to Olga Franko's recipe, is prepared as follows: 2/3 of the jar is filled with pre-washed, cleaned and cut red beets, pour boiled water and put in a warm place to sour. You can add a few pieces of stale rye bread, then the beets will ferment faster.