Wheat noodles with snow crab.

Servings: 2
Cooking time: 20 min

A dish from hot Asia - cold wheat noodles with snow crab.


wheat noodles 220 g
Snow crab sticks 150 g
soy sauce 120 ml
wine vinegar 100 ml
green peas 40 g
lemon zest 1/2 tsp.
chili sauce 15 g
boiling water 800 ml
sesame oil 20 ml
green onion 15 g
cilantro leaves 10 g
dried garlic


Step 1

Pour the wine vinegar and 100 ml soy sauce into the boiling water, salt and boil the noodles in this mixture until al dente. Then cool.

Step 2

For the dressing, combine the sesame oil, sugar, soy sauce, lemon zest, chili sauce and dried garlic.

Step 3

Pull the crab sticks apart into fibers. Put the noodles in the dressing and stir.

Step 4

Serve with snow crab, chopped green onions, peas and cilantro. Enjoy!

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