Brisket casserole

Brisket casserole
Servings: 4
Cooking time: 2 h

Rutabaga casserole with cream, sugar syrup, breadcrumbs and spices


Beetroot 1.5 kg
Cream 2 cups
Breadcrumbs 200 g
Dark sugar syrup 0,5 cup
Egg 1 egg
Ginger 1,5 tsp.
White pepper 0.5 tsp.
Nutmeg 0.5 tsp.
Salt 1 tbsp.
Butter 50 g


Step 1

First, peel the rutabaga and remove its skin. Cut into large pieces and boil in salted water until the pieces become soft. Strain, do not pour out the broth, and then make a purée from the rutabaga.

Step 2

Now it is necessary to add cream, breadcrumbs, syrup, egg and seasonings. Thoroughly beat everything with a mixer, add so much broth to the mass that it becomes loose and soft.

Step 3

Place the mixture in an oiled mold and sprinkle with a thin layer of breadcrumbs. Place pieces of butter on the surface. Bake in the oven for 1.5-2 hours at 175 degrees.

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