Carpathian soup with cumin and sour cream

Yield: 1 л
Servings: 4
Cooking time: 15 min

Caraway is quite a popular seasoning in many parts of Galicia, on both sides of the Ukrainian-Polish border. However, it is used most of all in the Carpathians. Not surprisingly, it was there that a simple but original soup with cumin was invented, the recipe of which was brought from the mountains by Sergey Pozhar, a Galician living in St. Petersburg, one of the most popular bloggers in Russia. Cumin is a spice that stimulates the appetite and aids digestion, so this soup is a good way to start a dinner that will be followed by a piece of fatty pork or lamb.


water 250 ml
sour cream 750 ml
cumin 1 tbsp.
flour 2 tbsp.
white loaf (for breadcrumbs)


Step 1

Cut the loaf into cubes and dry in the oven or in a frying pan until golden.

Step 2

Bring the water to the boil, salt, add the cumin and simmer for 5 minutes.

Step 3

Mix the flour with the sour cream until smooth, you can add sour milk.

Step 4

Strain the cumin broth through a sieve and add to the sour cream.

Step 5

Simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, but do not bring to the boil.

Step 6

When the soup thickens - pour into plates, add breadcrumbs, pepper, decorate with herbs.

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