Cocktail Bellini

Cocktail Bellini
Servings: 1
Cooking time: 10 min

Cocktail Bellini - sparkling rose wine with syrup from Indian Darjeeling tea with rose petals


Darjeeling tea syrup with rose petals 50 ml
Crémant d'Alsace sparkling rose wine 120 ml
Darjeeling tea syrup:
Darjeeling tea with Sacred Emily rose petals 2 tsp.
water 250 ml
sugar 225 g


Step 1

For the syrup made from Darjeeling tea with rose petals: Warm the water in the kettle to about 80 °C. Remove the kettle from the stove, add the tea and let steep for 5 minutes until the brew is strong. Strain the liquid through a sieve to separate the tea leaves. Add sugar to the brew and whisk to dissolve the sugar completely. Can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month.

Step 2

For the Bellini cocktail: Blend Darjeeling tea syrup with rose petals and Crémant d'Alsace sparkling rose wine.



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