Bread and Butter Pudding.

Bread and Butter Pudding.
Servings: 4
Cooking time: 40 min

There are situations when you want something sweet, but you are too lazy to cook, or when guests take you by surprise. At such times, English Bread and Butter pudding, like a real gentleman, will always come to your rescue.


white toast (or any "yesterday's" bread) 0.5 kg
milk 1 cup
sugar (to taste) 1/2 cup
eggs 4 pcs
vanilla sugar
favorite dried fruits (we added candied fruit)


Step 1

Brush both sides of the toast with butter. Beat milk with sugar, vanilla sugar and eggs.

Step 2

Soak the toasts for a few minutes in this mixture and place them in the mold so that they lie tightly together. If necessary, you can break the bread into slices, cut some toast diagonally and place on top.

Step 3

Pour the bread with the remaining mixture, sprinkle with dried fruit and sugar. Bake in the oven at 170 degrees for 30 minutes.

Bread puddings with blueberries.

Bread puddings with blueberries.

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