Apple and herring sandwich.

Apple and herring sandwich.
Servings: 2
Cooking time: 10 min

Despite the absolute dissimilarity of flavors, the combination of salty herring and sweet and sour apple has long been considered a classic. There is the famous forshmak, and tartare, and many salads and appetizers... Apparently, opposites do attract. Including in cooking. That means it's time to make an apple sandwich with herring!


large green apple 1 pc
lightly salted herring fillet 2 pcs
cream cheese 100 g
small garlic clove 1 pc
juice of 1/4 lemon
dill to taste
olive oil 1 tbsp.
black pepper to taste


Step 1

Wash and dry the apple.

Step 2

Place the lightly salted herring pieces in a blender (leave 1-2 pieces for decoration), cream cheese, garlic, dill, lemon juice, 1 tbsp. olive oil, pepper and blend until smooth.

Step 3

Slice the apple into circles about 1/2 cm thick.

Step 4

Spoon the herring mixture onto one apple slice and cover with another one. Garnish the sandwich with dill.

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