Vareniki with plums

Vareniki with plums
Servings: 8
Cooking time: 1 h

Did you know that dumplings have their own statistics? Well, according to them, the most popular filling is potato. It is followed by cottage cheese and cherry. By some unknown chance, the list of favorites did not include dumplings with plum, but we corrected it - today we cook them.


kefir 500 ml
flour 1 kg
baking soda 1 tsp.
sour cream


Step 1

Prepare the plums: wash, remove the seeds and cut into small cubes.

Step 2

Combine kefir, a pinch each of sugar, salt and baking soda in a large bowl.

Step 3

Add the flour to the kefir and knead the dough thoroughly.

Step 4

Roll out the dough on a floured surface. Cut out small circles from the dough with a glass beaker.

Step 5

Put a little plum filling in the center of each circle and sprinkle with sugar. Form a dumpling by pressing the edges of the dough tightly together.

Step 6

Boil water in a saucepan, salt and boil the dumplings until ready.

Step 7

Serve the dumplings with butter, sour cream and sugar.

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