"Moscow old-timers remember the famous Griboyedov [Griboyedov's house, where the literary organization MASSOLIT was located]! What boiled pike-perch! It's cheap, dear Amvrosy! And sterlet, sterlet in a silver pot, sterlet in pieces, overlaid with crawfish necks and fresh caviar? And cocotte eggs with mushroom puree in bowls?"
eggs 2 pcs |
butter 1 tbsp. |
grated hard cheese 1 tbsp. |
mushrooms 500 g |
heavy cream 100 ml |
onion (large) 1 pc |
butter |
salt, pepper to taste |
Step 1
Chop mushrooms, stew with onions, make a puree.
Step 2
Salt, pepper, add cream, place in greased cocottes (cups with thick walls).
Step 3
Drop one egg on top, sprinkle with cheese mixed with breadcrumbs and bake until the egg white thickens.