Banana cheesecake without sugar

Servings: 8
Cooking time: 30 min

Diet cheesecake made of fat-free cottage cheese and overripe bananas without sugar


skim cottage cheese 400 g
egg 1 pc
flour 2 tbsp.
overripe bananas 6
butter 10 g


Step 1

Add eggs and flour to cottage cheese and beat with an immersion blender until smooth.

Step 2

Then mashed potato the bananas in a blender to the consistency of mashed bananas and mix with the cottage cheese.

Step 3

Grease a baking mold with butter, pour the cottage cheese-banana mixture into it and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.

Step 4

Serve the cheesecake cold.

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New York cheesecake.

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