Cossack kulesh with a barrel

Servings: 4
Cooking time: 2 h 40 min

Kulesh Cossack with a barrel that gave strength to the Zaporozhian Cossacks


pork loin 200 g
onions 200 g
Domestic chicken or rooster 1/2 pc
water 2 liters
oregano pepper peas 5 pcs
dried taranka 50 g
garlic 1 head
potatoes 2 pcs
millet 1 cup
herbs 10 g
salt, pepper to taste


Step 1

Finely dice the drumstick and onion and fry in a saucepan until golden. Set aside half of the roast to serve.

Step 2

Put the chicken in the pot, add water, salt, allspice, chopped taranka fillets, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Then reduce the temperature and simmer for 2 hours.

Step 3

After the time remove the chicken, separate the meat from the bones and mix with chopped herbs.

Step 4

Cut the garlic head in half and bake in a dry pan until black.

Step 5

Add diced potatoes, washed millet, roasted garlic, salt and pepper to the broth. Stir and simmer the kulesh under a lid for 30 minutes at a low temperature. After the time, remove from the stove and let stand for another 10 minutes.

Step 6

Serve kulesh with roasted barrel and a mixture of boiled chicken meat and herbs. Enjoy your appetite and Cossack health!

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