Fish with vegetables

Servings: 4
Cooking time: 4 h

Tender bay of red and white fish with sweet pepper and celery


fish bones and heads 1 kg
white fish fillet (skin on) 100 g
red fish fillet (skin on) 100 g
carrots 100 g
celery root 100 g
celery stalk 1 pc
onion 200 g
sweet pepper 50 g
gelatin 10 g
parsley 10 g
bay leaf 3 pcs
salt to taste
red caviar


Step 1

Put fish bones and heads, onions, celery root, carrots, bay leaf in a pot, pour boiling water, salt and simmer the broth for 2 hours.

Step 2

After removing the celery and carrots from it, cut into cubes.

Step 3

Pour gelatin with water 1: 5, let it swell, then dilute in half a liter of strained warm broth.

Step 4

Dice the pepper, celery stalk and fish and boil in salted water.

Step 5

Put the chopped vegetables, fish pieces and parsley leaves in a mold. Fill with broth and gelatin. Cover with foil. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Step 6

When serving, if desired, decorate with red caviar and lemon slices. Bon appetit.

Pouring fish

Pouring fish

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