Mescalito cocktail

Mescalito cocktail
Servings: 4
Cooking time: 5 min

Mescalito cocktail with mango, orange, lime and agave juice


mango (diced) 1 pc
orange juice 240 ml
juice of two limes
Mescal 90 ml
Triple Sec liqueur 30 ml
concentrated agave juice 1-3 tbsp.


Step 1

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend into a smooth, creamy mixture.

Step 2

Adjust the sweetness and intensity of the alcoholic flavor as desired.

Step 3

To chill, either add a handful of ice or place half in a shaker, add plenty of ice and shake thoroughly.

Step 4

Pour the mescalito into a glass and garnish with a slice of lime or agave leaf.

Cosmopolitan cocktail

Cosmopolitan cocktail

Dasha Malakhova

3 min